Any-Angle Pathfinding

Any-Angle Pathfinding

Simple post-processing effect to use in pathfinding which utilizies line-of-sight to produce more direct routes.

Demo: click and drag to create a path, with an any-angle simplification shown in orange.


 * Optimizes a given path by removing unnecessary points.
 * This is achieved by checking if there is a direct line of sight
 * between points using binary search. It tries to find the farthest
 * point in the path that can be reached without hitting any obstacles.
 * @param path - Initial array of Vector2 points to be optimized
 * @returns - Optimized array of Vector2 points after applying the any-angle pathing
export default function applyAnyAnglePathing(path: Vector2[], checkLineOfSight: (pt1: Vector2, pt2: Vector2) => boolean): Vector2[] {
  // If the path has 2 or fewer points, return as is
  if (path.length <= 2) {
    return path;

  const newPath: Vector2[] = [];

  // Set the current index to the first point in the path
  let currentIdx = 0;
  let current: Vector2;

  // Loop until we've processed all points in the path
  while (currentIdx < path.length - 1) {
    // Set the origin of the ray to the current point in the path
    current = path[currentIdx];

    // Initialize binary search boundaries
    let lo = currentIdx + 1;
    let hi = path.length - 1;
    let nextIdx = -1;

    // Perform binary search to find the furthest point that can be reached
    while (lo <= hi) {
      let mid = Math.floor((lo + hi) / 2);
      const hasLineOfSight = checkLineOfSight(current, path[mid]);

      // If there's no obstacle, that means we can effectively, update the next index and move the lower bound
      if (hasLineOfSight) {
        nextIdx = mid;
        lo = mid + 1;
      } else {
        // If there's an obstacle, move the upper bound
        hi = mid - 1;

    // If no direct line of sight is found, move to the next point in the path
    if (nextIdx == -1) {
      nextIdx = currentIdx + 1;

    // Add the identified point to the new path

    // Update the current index to the identified point
    currentIdx = nextIdx;

  // Return the optimized path
  return newPath;

In-Place Algorithm

 * Optimizes a given path by removing unnecessary points.
 * This is achieved by checking if there is a direct line of sight
 * between points using binary search. It tries to find the farthest
 * point in the path that can be reached without hitting any obstacles.
 * @param path - Initial array of Vector2 points to be optimized
 * @param checkLineOfSight - Function to check if there's a direct line of sight between two points
export function applyAnyAnglePathingInPlace(path: Vector2[], checkLineOfSight: (pt1: Vector2, pt2: Vector2) => boolean): void {
  // If the path has 2 or fewer points, return as is
  if (path.length <= 2) {

  // Set the current index to the first point in the path
  let currentIdx = 0;
  let current: Vector2;
  let optimizedIdx = 0; // Index in the path array where the last significant point was placed

  let lo = 0;
  let mid = 0;
  let hi = 0;
  let nextIdx = 0;
  let hasLineOfSight = false;

  // Loop until we've processed all points in the path
  while (currentIdx < path.length - 1) {
    // Set the origin of the ray to the current point in the path
    current = path[currentIdx];

    // Initialize binary search boundaries
    lo = currentIdx + 1;
    hi = path.length - 1;
    nextIdx = -1;

    // Perform binary search to find the furthest point that can be reached
    while (lo <= hi) {
      mid = ((lo + hi) / 2) | 0;
      hasLineOfSight = checkLineOfSight(current, path[mid]);

      // If there's no obstacle, update the next index and move the lower bound
      if (hasLineOfSight) {
        nextIdx = mid;
        lo = mid + 1;
      } else {
        // If there's an obstacle, move the upper bound
        hi = mid - 1;

    // If no direct line of sight is found, move to the next point in the path
    if (nextIdx == -1) {
      nextIdx = currentIdx + 1;

    // Swap the identified point in the path array
    path[optimizedIdx] = path[nextIdx];

    // Update the current index to the identified point
    currentIdx = nextIdx;

  // Trim the path array to remove unnecessary points
  path.length = optimizedIdx + 1;

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