

Simple utility class to make working with a fixed update a bit easier. This is extremely useful for things that can’t abide frame drops or are generally time-sensitive in that nature.


const updateRate = 1000 / 120; // 120 FPS
const myUpdater = new FixedUpdater(updateRate, (fixedDelta: number) => {
  // This function will always run 120 times per second, regardless of the actual framerate.
  // The `fixedDelta` here is the same as `updateRate` but is provided for convenience.

let now, last, delta;
function update() {
  now =;
  delta = now - last;
  last = now;




export default class FixedUpdater {

   * How much time should pass between updates? (In milliseconds.)
   * Setting this to a lower number (like 1000 / 120, or 120 FPS) will result in more calls.
   * Setting this to a higher number (like 1000 / 30, or 30 FPS) will result in fewer calls.
  public fixedTimeStep = 1000 / 30;

   * The function to run during a fixed update.
   * This might be called MANY times per second depending on your fixedTimeStep,
   * so try to keep the workload light.
  private updateCallback: (fixedDeltaTime: number) => void = () => { };

  public constructor(fixedTimeStep: number, fn: (fixedDeltaTime: number) => void) {
    this.fixedTimeStep = fixedTimeStep;
    this.updateCallback = fn;

   * Internal tracker to determine how much time has elapsed wherien a fixed update did NOT run.
   * This effectively allows us to ensure we run the fixed update as many times as necessary.
  private stepDelta = 0;

   * If we haven't run in `frameCap` frames, we will limit the number of frames that
   * will be ran at one time. This ultimately can result in inaccurate simulations,
   * but otherwise is a precaution against tying up the browser thread.
   * If you **absolutely can not afford to drop frames** then you will want to remove this.
  private frameCap = 50;

   * Tracks how much time has passed and fires the fixed update handler accordingly until "caught up."
   * @param   {number}  deltaTimeMS  The time since this function was last called.
  public fixedUpdate = (deltaTimeMS: number) => {
    this.stepDelta += deltaTimeMS;

    if (this.stepDelta > this.fixedTimeStep * this.frameCap) {
      this.stepDelta = this.fixedTimeStep * this.frameCap;

    // While we have fixed steps to take, run the given function.
    while (this.stepDelta >= this.fixedTimeStep) {
      this.stepDelta -= this.fixedTimeStep;

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