

Simple Heatmap class used to find areas of interest for real-time applications, like games.

  1. Simple Heatmap class used to find areas of interest for real-time applications, like games.
  2. Framerate-independent; uses a fixed update approach to ensure FPS variance does not change how fast heat disperses
  3. Not physically accurate, but works well for most use cases like adding weights to pathfinding

Left mouse: move heat source
Left click: toggle random heat blips
SHIFT + Left click: Add permanent heat source
Mousewheel: change size of heat source
SHIFT + Mousewheel: change intensity of heat source
CTRL + Left click: Toggle heat map style


const map = new HeatMap2D(width, height, 0, 100);
map.addValueAt(10, 10, 5); // value of 5 at a single point (10, 10)
map.addValueAt(25, 25, 5, 3); // value of 5 centered on (25,25) with a a radius of 3

// `update` will disperse/blur the heat

const val = map.getValueAt(15, 15); // Returns the current value for the cell at (15, 15)


export type HeatMapPixel = { x: number; y: number; value: number };

export interface IHeatMap {
  getMaxObservedValue(): number;
  getMinObservedValue(): number;
  getWidth(): number;
  getHeight(): number;
  getMaxValue(): number;
  getMinValue(): number;

  setValueAt(x: number, y: number, value: number, radius: number): void;
  addValueAt(x: number, y: number, adjustment: number, radius: number): void;
  getValueAt(x: number, y: number): void;

  fixedUpdate(deltaTime: number): void;

  getPixels(): { [idx: number]: HeatMapPixel; };

  createHeatSource(x: number, y: number, intensity: number, radius: number): HeatSource;
  removeHeatSource(source: HeatSource): void;

export interface IHeatSource {
  getPosition(): { x: number, y: number };
  getIntensity(): number;
  getRadius(): number;

export default class HeatMap2D implements IHeatMap {

  // See my post about z-order curves!
  private curve: ICurve2D;
  private pixels: { [idx: number]: HeatMapPixel; } = {};
  private pixelsBuffer: { [idx: number]: HeatMapPixel; } = {};

  private observedMaxValue: number = 0;
  private observedMinValue: number = 0;

  public getMaxObservedValue = () => this.observedMaxValue;
  public getMinObservedValue = () => this.observedMinValue;
  public getWidth = () => this.width;
  public getHeight = () => this.height;
  public getMaxValue = () => this.maxValue;
  public getMinValue = () => this.minValue;
  public getPixels = () => this.pixels;

    private width: number,
    private height: number,
    private minValue: number = 0,
    private maxValue: number = 255,
    public containHeat: boolean = false,
    private decayRate: number = 0.01,
  ) {
    this.curve = new ZOrderCurve(width, height);

  public setValueAt = (
    x: number,
    y: number,
    value: number,
    radius: number = 0
  ) => {
    if (radius === 0) {
      const idx = this.curve.getIndex(x, y);
      this.pixels[idx] = { x, y, value };
    } else {
      this.setRadialValueAt(x, y, value, radius, false);

  public addValueAt = (
    x: number,
    y: number,
    value: number,
    radius: number = 0
  ) => {
    // ensure x/y are ints
    x = Math.floor(x);
    y = Math.floor(y);
    if (radius === 0) {
      const idx = this.curve.getIndex(x, y);
      this.pixels[idx] = { x, y, value: (this.pixels[idx]?.value ?? this.minValue) + value };
    } else {
      this.setRadialValueAt(x, y, value, radius, true);

  private clampMinMax = (v: number) => {
    return Math.min(this.maxValue, Math.max(this.minValue, v));

  private setRadialValueAt = (
    originX: number,
    originY: number,
    value: number,
    radius: number,
    add?: boolean
  ) => {
    const { pixels } = this;
    for (let y = -radius; y <= radius; y++) {
      for (let x = -radius; x <= radius; x++) {
        const dist = x * x + y * y;
        if (dist > radius * radius) {

        const ratio = 1 - (dist / ((radius * radius) + 1e-4));

        var idx = this.curve.getIndex(originX + x, originY + y);
        const val = value * ratio;

        let nextVal = Math.max(val, this.minValue);

        if (add) {
          nextVal += pixels[idx]?.value ?? this.minValue;
        nextVal = this.clampMinMax(nextVal);
        pixels[idx] = { x: originX + x, y: originY + y, value: nextVal };

  public getValueAt = (x: number, y: number) => {
    const idx = this.curve.getIndex(x, y);
    return this.pixels[idx]?.value ?? this.minValue;

  private kernel: [number[], number[], number[]] = [
    // [0.05, 0.1, 0.05],
    // [0.1, 1, 0.1],
    // [0.05, 0.1, 0.05]

    // no blur
    // [0, 0, 0],
    // [0, 1, 0],
    // [0, 0, 0]

    [Math.sqrt(2) / 2, 1, Math.sqrt(2) / 2],
    [1, 1, 1],
    [Math.sqrt(2) / 2, 1, Math.sqrt(2) / 2]

    // [1, 1, 1],
    // [1, -8, 1],
    // [1, 1, 1]

  private boxBlur = () => {
    for (let y = 0; y < this.height; y++) {
      for (let x = 0; x < this.width; x++) {
        const pxId = this.curve.getIndex(x, y);
        let runningValue = 0;
        let totalWeight = 0;
        var tX;
        var tY;
        for (let blurY = -1; blurY <= 1; blurY++) {
          for (let blurX = -1; blurX <= 1; blurX++) {
            tX = x + blurX;
            tY = y + blurY;

            const weight = this.kernel[blurY + 1][blurX + 1];

            if (tX < 0 || tY < 0 || tX >= this.width || tY >= this.height) {
              if (this.containHeat) {
                totalWeight += weight;
                runningValue += this.minValue * weight;
            } else {
              totalWeight += weight;
              const idx = this.curve.getIndex(tX, tY);
              const value = this.pixels[idx]?.value || this.minValue;
              runningValue += value * weight;

        let nextVal = totalWeight === 0 ? 0 : (runningValue / totalWeight);  // now it is a weighted average
        nextVal *= (1 - this.decayRate);
        nextVal = this.clampMinMax(nextVal);

        this.observedMaxValue = nextVal > this.observedMaxValue ? nextVal : this.observedMaxValue;
        this.observedMinValue = nextVal < this.observedMinValue ? nextVal : this.observedMinValue;

        if (nextVal <= this.minValue + 0.01) {
          delete this.pixelsBuffer[pxId];
        } else {
          this.pixelsBuffer[pxId] = { x, y, value: nextVal };

    [this.pixels, this.pixelsBuffer] = [this.pixelsBuffer, this.pixels];
    return this.pixels;

  private stepDelta = 0;
  private fixedTimeStep = 1000 / 24;
  public fixedUpdate = (deltaTime: number) => {
    this.stepDelta += deltaTime;
    if (this.stepDelta > this.fixedTimeStep * 50) {
      this.stepDelta = this.fixedTimeStep * 50;

    while (this.stepDelta >= this.fixedTimeStep) {
      this.stepDelta -= this.fixedTimeStep;

  // heat sources
  private heatSources: HeatSource[] = [];
  public createHeatSource = (x: number, y: number, intensity: number, radius: number): HeatSource => {
    const src = new HeatSource(x, y, intensity, radius);
    return src;
  public registerHeatSource = (src: HeatSource) => {
    return src;

  removeHeatSource = (source: HeatSource) => {
    this.heatSources = this.heatSources.filter(x => x !== source);

  private emitFromHeatSources = () => {
    for (let i = 0; i < this.heatSources.length; i++) {
      const { x, y } = this.heatSources[i].getPosition();
      this.addValueAt(x, y, this.heatSources[i].getIntensity(), this.heatSources[i].getRadius());

export class HeatSource implements IHeatSource {
  constructor(public x: number, public y: number, public intensity: number, public radius: number) { }
  getRadius(): number {
    return this.radius;
  getPosition(): { x: number; y: number; } {
    return { x: this.x, y: this.y };
  getIntensity(): number {
    return this.intensity;

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